Updates for Friday, January 2nd [2004]

2004 for Thomas Jefferson


Dear Friends,

It is strange, as Ms. Everson has not spoken to me since the night of Christmas Eve, and with our limited meetings at work, she seems to avoid me. I am wondering what happened, if I had offended her, for I am uncertain. Regardless, today I did not work, which was good, because it was today that me and Natalie had spent time once again since her journey brought her back home. She told me of what went on while she was away, and we exchanged gifts since this was the first time we had seen each other since the holidays. She appreciated the book I got for her, and told me she was in search for a new book to read, and appreciated it greatly. Her present for me was the gift of a square and compass, two tools I immediately recognized, for they have changed little in the years. I had complained to her that I was at lack of utensils to do even the most rudimentary studies, and she thought I would find these tools useful as I had explained to her before on numerous occassions my love for such simple study. I suppose today, however, the square and compass are indeed not too terribly useful, in fact, they are probably totally obsolete, for all but the most aspiring career planners and researchers, surely. I did appreciate the gift, and assured her that they would be put to the best of use, I suppose I would be one of the last who would even know to use them. I've always viewed simple tools such as these as that which guards me from ennui, the most dangerous poison of life. It is my secret for my grand recipe for felicity. A mind always employed is always happy, indeed, I look at Daniel and I see a man whose mind is unemployed and always discontent. I hope I can relay this message to him one day before I seek whatever path I must take to restore myself to the rightful place of time. Indeed it is, the idle are the only wretched. In a world which furnishes so many emploiments which are useful, and so many which are amusing, it is our own fault if we ever know what ennui truly is, or if we are ever driven to the miserable resource of gaming, which corrupts our dispositions, and teaches us a habit of hostility against all mankind, as it seems to teach Daniel, for he has surely fallen to it since his days of living off the wretched government unemployment.

It has passed into a new year, I suppose just as it did in my day, only with stranger celebrations now than what we had before. I decided it best to stay in on New Year's Eve, and Daniel came home late to accompany me with his newfound friend, James Roosevelt the Fourth. James brought up that the world would end soon with the way people treat it, and that there probably won't be too many years like this before the fall. I hope you all who read of this will have good sense enough to disregard those foolish predictions that the world is to be at an end soon, as well view those with ill regard that shout such doom on the televizion news for the holidays and believed in the terror menance that neither came nor appeared to be coming. The almighty has never made known to any body at what time he created it, nor will he tell any body when he means to put an end to it, if ever he means to do it. As to preparations for that event, the best way is for you to be always prepared for it. The only way to be so is never to do nor say a bad thing. If ever you are about to say any thing amiss or to do any thing wrong, consider before hand. You will feel something within you which will tell you it is wrong and ought not to be said or done: this is your conscience, and be sure to obey it. Our maker has given us all, this faithful internal Monitor, and if you always obey it, you will always be prepared for the end of the world: or for a much more certain event which is death. This must happen to all: it puts an end to the world as to us, and the way to be ready for it is never to do a wrong act. I suppose if we are the makings of resolutions as such I am told the new year must bring, the resolution merely should t0 do right by oneself where one had not before the passing year.

Speaking of such resolutions, Daniel explains that I should make a list, and a list I shall present.

1. I shall stop using the term "bon mots" to describe impartations of wit, as it annoys Daniel, who I fear is not very familiar with it.

2. I will learn more about the government of today and how it works, so I may properly address my concerns to Congress.

3. I will write a letter of compliment to the makers of Kraft Macaroni for their splenderous dinners.

4. I will find out more about the company who made the machine of time travelling, so perhaps I can discover more about how I might be able to find my way home.

5. I shall try to trade with the indian traders of Teco Bell some beads so they might favor me for some of their customary foods.

6. I can only rest easily when I have found Daniel some kind of new emploiment, for he is restless in his current state, even if he is not one particularly to admit to it. He needs direction in his life, as do we all, sometimes.

Your most obedient and most humble servt.,

- TH. Jefferson

Editor's Notes:

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