Updates for Monday, December 8th [2003]

Again I recieved pay,



This is a scolding letter for you all. I have not recieved a scrip of a pen in return from the Enternet since I arrived in this new time, which is now nearly 15 weeks. I think it so easy for you to write me one letter every week, which will be but once in three weeks for each of you, when I write one every week who have not one moment's repose from business from the first to the last moment of the week. Perhaps you think you have nothing to say to me, but it would endear me to acknowledge that my letters sent to this "online" journal would be accepted by those who care for it as I do. It is a great deal to say you are all well, or that one has a cold, another a fever &c., besides that there is not a sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me, nor any thing that moves, and I am sure that for as disinterested as you might be, perphaps, that something in all of this time is worth writing for.

I indeed have been to plenty, it was not but the other day, the evening of the 5th, that I managed to meet with Natalie again out on another evening. We went out for some "fast food", and settled back at her place to talk. She aparently had something important to tell me. It seems she will be leaving upon the occassion of winter break from school to go see her mother and father, in Georgia. It was disappointing to hear that she would not be in the city for Christmas, but I expect nonetheless that my thoughts will go out to her at that time.

Thoughts turn back to today, however, which is my day of payment for my labour at the Pantry. Ms. Everson stopped me today, as I was picking up my pay check, and asked me what I was doing this weekend. I was quite uncertain why she enquired, but she said that perhaps we should take the occassion for some dinner. I am curious as to why there is such a sudden change in attitude from Ms. Everson, who had been so flagrantly rude to me on prior occassion. I accepted her proposal and we agreed to meet sometime this weekend.

Upon getting home, Daniel had a dillemna. My pay this period, because I had worked excessively, was $401.38. For whatever reason, Ms. Everson has allowed me more working hours, despite her past issues with my working proficiency. Daniel asked for $350, which was more than the $320 our 80% agreement was on. I denied it to him, saying that $320 was fitting before and that we hadn't agreed on more than that. He then was angry that I had, like a leech, stayed with him and I thanked him for his generosity but did not see why he needed more money than before when this was already significantly more. It was Natalie who recommended that I stick by my agreement with him and not lend him more for fear that he may be taking too much as it were. He explained that he needed it for rent, because he had overspent some of his unemployment income on this new thing he calls "Tivo". I did not understand.

As it were, I stuck by my position, and claimed our agreement was wise, and he did not argue with me further. He said he will make up the debt somewhere else. After he had subsided, he told me that he was going to have his friend, James Roosevelt the Fourth, over later, to "hang out". I will have to report on this later, as I must go to finish my household chores for the evening, and go shopping for some groceries, breads, eggs & macaroni.

Your's affectionately,

- TH. Jefferson

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